About this web site

This is my weather web site. You are welcome to peruse, use, and plagiarize. If you do borrow pieces, please give credit to the folks who provided the components (see below).

Important: This web site is my hobby. Do NOT rely on it for important decisions

Enjoy. Dave Gillen


Name Details
Vantage Vue
Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS)
and console
A Davis Instruments Vantage Vue ISS collects weather data. It is wirelessly relayed to a Vantage Vue console in the house.
Web site: www.davisnet.com
Raspberry Pi A Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ connects to the Vantage Vue console by USB cable. The Pi is the computational heart of the Milo weather station. It hosts the underlying weather software and the web page you're viewing.
Web site: www.raspberrypi.org
weewx weewx (3.9.1-1) is the base software for the Milo weather station. It runs on the Raspberry Pi gathering LOOP and ARCHIVE packets from from the Vantage Vue and generating reports, graphs, gauges, and other digital magic. weewx relies on "skins": customizable extensions that perform most of the user-visible work.
Web site: www.weewx.com
Steel Series Weather Gauges Steel Series Weather Gauges (2.7.3) is a weewx skin displaying weather information in a stylish, readable form. They look cool.
Web site: github.com/gjr80/weewx-steelseries
Realtime gauge-data Realtime gauge-data extension (0.3.7) is a weewx service that takes LOOP packets from the Vantage Vue to create a file for use by the Steel Series Weather Gauges. This produces a near real-time display of weather parameters. This extension is the glue allowing us to "watch" the weather.
Web site: github.com/gjr80/weewx-realtime_gauge-data
Bootstrap skin Bootstrap skin (2.25) gives the Milo weather pages a consistent look, feel, and menu. This skin was contributed by a weewx user. It's based on the bootstrap web app toolkit. It has a clean look. This skin is a good starting point for a web site. It also includes a nice history app, which produces the History page.
Web site: github.com/brewster76/fuzzy-archer

Station Information

Latitude: 42° 59.577' N
Longitude: 85° 44.576' W
Altitude: 712 feet
Station uptime: 68 days, 17 hours, 49 minutes
Server uptime: 68 days, 17 hours, 49 minutes
ISS Battery Status (0 = ok, 1 = low): 0
Console Battery Voltage: 4.6 V